Self-assessment: Ready for AI?

Fact: The global predictive AI market is growing rapidly, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 21.9% over the next ten years.

Fact: Gartner’s own strategic planning assumes that by 2026, enterprises that have adopted AI engineering practices will outperform their peers in the number and time it takes to operationalize AI models by at least 25%.

Fact: Organizations that embrace AI have a leg up in driving business outcomes, innovation, and value creation among existing processes.

But here’s something they don’t tell you: AI isn’t right for everyone. Depending on your current use of AI, the state of your data, your teams’ skillsets, and the receptiveness of your leadership, you might not be as well-positioned as you think to make the jump. Our assessment can help—with targeted scoring across AI product and model use, organizational culture and talent, data readiness, compute infrastructure, and governance and ethics, you’ll have a better awareness of where you are now, with a mind for quick win adoption and fine tuning before you embark.

Fill out the form on this page and a member of our team will reach out with our AI Maturity assessment template. See how you stack up, and when you’re ready to dissect your score and what it means for your organization, we’re here.


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