Enhancing visibility in OneStream

Project overview and objectives

One manufacturing company came to us with a predominantly manual Excel-based planning and forecasting process, despite previously implementing OneStream. Requiring a massive input of data, the workflow was not well integrated and lacked strategic insight into customers, profit centers, and opportunity programs.

What we did

We started with a clear evaluation of organizational needs, aligned them to their current use of OneStream, and against the platform’s capabilities. Focusing on key operational efficiencies, we used this assessment to generate a comprehensive blueprint and design—then defined a streamlined future state that encompassed end-to-end operational reporting enhancements.


By project go-live, we:

  • Expanded platform capabilities, increased level of detail, and reduced manual inputs required by 82%​
  • Streamlined the data collection process for building budget and forecast, as well as created the ability to segment at the lowest level for detailed analysis
  • Improved user experience and decreased risk of data entry error through configuration of auto-population rules
  • Shortened the iteration time for budget and forecast cycles by 20%—automating previously manual calculations, leveraging dynamic calculations and custom business rules

The best part? Increased visibility created greater ROI and more strategic decision making.

Project detail


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